Adventures With Emmett
Emmett* was certain he did not need a car. He wasn’t a bit excited about the prospect; in fact, he was downright opposed to the whole idea. He was determined to walk to and from his job at Sonic in all types of weather, to the point that at times his houseparents, Andrew and Sarah, had to intervene and insist on driving him. Finally, at their urging, Emmett bought his first car. Turns out, he loves his car. Adores it, even. Recently, after saying he was going to the campus park, Sarah was confused when Emmett headed out the front door, away from his stated destination. Then she watched, laughing, as he hopped in his car to drive a mere hundred yards away.
NEAT FACT: Teaching the skill of saving is a big priority for The Children’s Home. At present, our kids’ personal savings accounts together total up to over $27,000! After a child buys a car, the money will provide them with a nest egg after graduation.
Beef tips and rice seemed like a great idea to Emmett as he planned his meals for the week, so he added it to his menu. He took his grocery money and went shopping with his houseparents working hard to implement all they had been teaching him – checking prices (particularly price per ounce) and making sure he was getting a good deal. After he made his selections, his houseparents looked through his cart to give him feedback. For this one meal they discovered: a single-serving size of package of beef and gravy and 20 lbs of white rice.
NEAT FACT: Our older kids do their own meal planning, shopping and cooking for the majority of their meals.
Shortly after beginning his first job, Emmett began making plans for all the things he wanted to buy with the “hundreds of dollars” he was certain he had made. It came as quite a disappointment and reality check to discover, after taxes and savings, he only had about $30 to spend on his vast list.
NEAT FACT: We have 14 kids working off campus at places such as Chick-fil-a, Aspen Creek, Dunkin Donuts, Sonic, Freddy’s, JC Penney, Sears, Sakura, Coffee and Sweets Co. and more.
* name has been changed