Rediscovering Mission

August 31

Tiffany was Done With It. It had been one of those weeks. She had worked late every night. She was tired. She was frustrated. She was ready to go home. Instead, she was being asked to stay late, again – two kids were coming for...

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The Constant Care-er

August 31

  Kristen Elms Executive Administrator of Compliance & Compassionate Problem Solver. Personally invested. Steadfastly committed. The need is always going to be there. There will always be kids who need our help. We’re the ones who have to adjust to the changes around us, but...

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Hope In Our Hearts

April 28

This is my home. They understand where I came from. I am so happy to be back because everybody is very cordial with each other here. They have God in their hearts, and that’s why they can forgive.  – Hope Love is large and incredibly...

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All News

April 17

It’s the Small Things…

May 6

Milestones = Memories = RESTORED identities

July 16

KAA 2018: Arrival Day