Providence is a word that carries the meaning of forethought or foresight and is often associated with divine intervention and guidance. It is a word that implies a future end, a goal with a definite purpose and plan for attaining it.
Providence is a word which, in my brief tenure here, rings powerful. God’s repeated provision, through His people, for the fatherless at The Children’s Home is nothing short of astounding.
As you have read, the Board of Trustees has recently voted to purchase 100 acres of land in Northwest Amarillo. What I hope is abundantly clear is the guiding hand of God in all of this. What we struggled for and worked to achieve came up empty as God showed His path to provide in ways we could never have imagined.
It is tempting to forecast great plans for expansion – to tell of the amazing things we can and will do. This is the trap we, as imperfect beings, all too often fall into. God guides us in a direction and provides a glimpse of the goal, and, in our eagerness, we run ahead of Him towards the vision, grasping for what we want, seeking to shape what we desire.
At this time, it remains impossible and potentially irresponsible to say what we will ultimately do with the land, or more accurately, what God has planned for us to do. But, we see and trust His hand of providence for today, and we know it is the same hand that has guided The Children’s Home from the first need of three children, to the original gift of land and a building and then to the much needed move to 3400 S Bowie.
In this role as President of The Children’s Home, I get to join a providential journey begun 89 years ago. I have the opportunity to be a part of the next step in fulfilling the call to care for the children that God has entrusted to us. I am wholeheartedly committed to acknowledging God at work while leading and inviting others to participate as His vessels. It is a joy to be daily in this process.
We are abundantly blessed to have you by our side as, together, we carry out the call and operate as an extension of the Divine Hand of Providence.
Darrin Murphy, President
Amarillo Children’s Home