I Am A Warrior
Even though I’ve been through so much, I haven’t let it define me. I keep going, and I think that makes me pretty strong.
I am kind, open-minded and articulate. I make people smile.
I love helping people.
I was adopted in 2020, but a little bit after that, my adoptive Dad kicked me out. Since then, I haven’t had a real home. I moved from friend’s house to teacher’s house to motel. I’m 18, so I’m considered too old for foster care, but I’m still in high school. I just want to be able to go to school and not worry that someone will kick me out or that I’m going to overstay my welcome.
I want to graduate high school. I want to go to Amarillo College, get certified as a phlebotomist and work in a hospital. I’m good with people, and I’ve learned to calm myself so that the person I’m working with becomes calm. I think I’m going to be good at this.
I’m a hard worker. I want to save up enough money to buy a car – at least one reliable enough to drive back and forth to school and to my job.
Living at Amarillo Children’s Home the past few months, I have learned so much about friendship and feeling safe. I am able to concentrate on school and work because I’m not worried about where I’m going to sleep or how I’m going to eat.
I’ve learned not everyone in life is going to hurt you.
I’ve learned asking for help doesn’t make you weak.
I’ve learned being myself is not only OK, it’s what I’m meant to do.
I’m learning more about who I am, and I’m becoming more authentically me.
The mental stress and the day-to-day difficulties of being homeless were a chasm between Jess and her hopes and ambitions. Today, she can safely look into the future and say, “all the dreams I have for me are possible now.” She doesn’t have to worry about how she is going to be able to complete these goals because she knows she has a support system around her. -JoAnn Wilson