The Work Does Not End
We know that this is a dangerous place, that we are a vulnerable species, that Cain is still killing Abel, that the world is hotter. And yet also, that Love is sovereign here. – Anne Lamott
We stand at a confusing, difficult point in history – a deeply dark time for many, and we just don’t know how it will all pan out.
Still, there is good news: we know that in the end grace wins, light wins, love wins.
Grace shows up in the helpers, as Mr. Rogers’ mother used to tell him. As for the light… Anne Lamott reminds us, “light always overcomes darkness—always, historically. But, not necessarily later the same day, or tomorrow, after lunch.” Wendell Berry spoke of Advent, the darkest shortest days of winter, “It gets darker and darker and darker, and then Jesus is born.”
Christ appears at the darkest time, in the midst of the fear-producing news, and He says, “Fear not,” because He is in us and among us and He is the Light, and He is Love, and no matter how it does pan out – He is here with us.
For 96 years, Amarillo Children’s Home has pressed on in our mission “to restore the identity
of children so they can realize their great value and be a blessing to others.” ACH has endured the darkness before because of helpers like you and the Light in whose name we serve.
We have served through nearly a century of feast and famine. We have survived the Great Depression and World War II, the oil crisis of the 70’s, the ups and downs of the 80’s and 90’s, September 11 and the Great Recession. We have stood the test of time because, even in the darkest hours, people like you continue to “remember the orphan in their distress.”
You, our helpers, are our heroes in the best as well as the worst of times.
We thank you, that you have not forgotten us. We need you now more than ever.
This pandemic will be hard, but hard is what we do. The work does not end. We will continue in it, and we will not be afraid because Love is sovereign here.