We’re all out whitewater rafting today! We thought you might enjoy seeing what we’ve been up the past few days – it’s been a full week of activity packed into the few days we’ve been here!
Remember those teams? We had fun watching our kids come up with team names, team cheers and team flags. And what would camp be without team-building games?
Once there, some of us needed a bit of a rest…
While others felt like king of the world…
Some sought out time alone…
While others needed a bit of extra attention.
We spent some time learning to repel…
Then it was time for the big leap of faith!
Don’t worry… they’re latched-in to a safety rope!
The afternoon was no less exciting…
But we still found time to relax.
The evening service started with a little comic relief by our very own “Everett Eugene Esquire III the II Twice Removed”.
Our nightly wounded-camper competition has become a tradition.
Then it was time for minute-to-win-it games – everyone wanted to play!
A competitor and his “coach” go for the gold.
Then it was time to quiet down with some worship and an evening message.
We wrapped up a very full day with a campfire and s’mores.
What camp is all about…