KAA 2018:First Full Day
Marcus had a hard start this morning. He was allowing his fears and anxiety about Battle Grounds to get the best of him. By the end of breakfast he was trying to throw up, had an elevated blood pressure and was shaking. His counselor worked with him, having no luck one of our staff talked and prayed with him. Marcus decided he was DONE. He spoke with another counselor from the camp. Marcus then went to spend time on the porch of the office where there was more talking and an additional ACH staff member. After Battle Grounds was over Marcus decided that he was ready to join his cabin again and stay at camp. Later that morning Marcus fully participated in Harambee (a time to gather) with his peers at KAA 2 and their staff to make Thank You cards for the donors and a short bible study. Marcus continues to work through his fears. We continue to FIGHT for him.
If you’re just joining our story from KAA camp, read Day 1 HERE. >>